Let me help you
tell your story.
Writer, Editor and
Writing Coach


A full array of editing and coaching services to help you write, edit, and publish your memoir or nonfiction book.


Researched personal profile articles for business and academia: employee tributes, introductions, academic citations, and digital & print marketing.


Full-service editing solutions, including end-to-end web copy, K-12 curricula, marketing collateral, and English translation clean-up.

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Travel Writing Tips and Advice from a Writing Coach
Guest: Gillian Culff

In this 20-minute interview on Jay Artale’s podcast, “How Travel Writers Self-Publish,” I talk about a range of subjects applicable to writers of memoir and creative nonfiction (not only travel writers), including the most common mistake made by bloggers and newsletter writers who collect their posts into a book, the importance of authenticity in memoir, the value of creative writing workshops, and how working with a writing coach can help you develop thin areas and trim details that don’t contribute to the narrative.